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client experiences and massive results after working together with Sharan…

Personal clients and business include: Corporate women from banking, accountancy, law firms, to estate agents, admin, health & wellness professionals, coaches, healers, branding experts to business professions owning nurseries, dental practices, gym owners, beauty salons, entertainment establishments, property businesses and so much more!

What my clients say!

“Sharan channelled deep Energy Healing linking strongly to my Sidereal Astrology Birth Chart, releasing ancient contracts, past life trauma, sorrow and hurt and healing the broken heart. This whole experience has given me an inner peace I have not felt before and it has changed my life!”

-Lorena Granata

Spiritual Healer & Teacher

Wales, UK

“I have known Sharan for over 10 years and throughout this time I have had many Intuitive Energy Healing sessions with her and it’s always been such an incredible and powerful experience. I have had chest and respiratory issues, including asthma which has worsened over the last few years leaving me breathless every day. From previous Energy Healing sessions, I experienced my breathing and well-being improve tremendously.

So I was very excited booking my first Astrology Healing Session with Sharan quite recently knowing it was going to be different from any other session I had before. And it was! Mainly due to Sharan's Astrology focus on my health issues which revealed what, why and even when these issues started.

Using Astrology during the healing session was mind blowing and the information Sharan was able to detect from seeing where the planets were sitting on my chart clearly showed deeply embedded past life information that no one could have made up and to me made complete sense!

Sharan made sure that I was relaxed and in a comfortable place before she began the healing I needed. I had always been led to believe that our astrology chart was fixed, not changeable; however, I now know better. Sharan channelled deep intuitive healing work around releasing ancient contracts, past life trauma, sorrow and hurt and healing the broken heart which was needed, especially due to the chest issues and breathing complications I have had for years! This whole experience has given me an inner peace I have not felt before and it has changed my life!

I can't thank you enough Sharan. She is a special woman making you feel open and at ease during your time together. I highly recommend anyone who is on their healing journey to take a look at their Astrology birth chart in these Intuitive Energy Healing sessions with Sharan, it really will make a huge difference! Sending you love and gratitude!”

“There have been a few times when I have been struggling with pain so whilst then working with Sharan, I noticed the next day the pain has disappeared and every time the catalyst has been Sharan!

I decided to book Sharan’s Intuitive Energy Healing and have had several sessions with her as I had been given the news I had cancer and I was very anxious. Before working with me, Sharan sent me some crystal jewellery to wear which she had infused with love and healing. I have been sceptical in the past about things like this but I was so anxious and wanted to calm myself. I can honestly tell you the crystals worked. I have felt calm and I've been able to come to terms with my illness.

Next came the actual healing. It was so relaxing and Sharan is so positive and approachable. I felt a sense of calm and like everything was going to be okay. Sharan did some deep healing and even touched on what my family needed.

My operation is looming and normally I would be in a state of anxiety and panic by now but I feel serene and I am also very optimistic for the future.

Sharan has a gift and it is well worth tapping into the strengths of Sharan. I also love the 8-week Mental Fitness Mastermind programmes Sharan runs, super helpful for mindfulness in everyday life. Overall, working with Sharan you will see shifts in your energy, along with a strong sense of support and caring. A superb and brilliant experience that has made me feel so at ease so I highly recommend it!!

“Sharan is always the Catalyst to my pains and struggles disappearing!”

-Nicola Richardson

Management Consultant

& Mentor

Lincolnshire, UK

“Check out Sharan, she’s like a Spiritual Detective with a wealth of tools in her arsenal and intuitive guidance is soo on point, without it I think I could have been making one of the biggest mistakes of my life!”

-Shamoni Gilani

World’s Leading Niche

Messaging Coach

London, UK

”Your session was just what I needed on the right day. It was divine timing. I was having a really tough day. One of the worst moments in a long time and our healing and coaching session was just after a really stressful situation which was perfect as it brought so much hope, strength and clarity on what’s right for me and my future. Your psychic and intuitive guidance is soo on point and without it I think I could have been making one of the biggest mistakes of my life!

You always listen with empathy and bring so much positivity and encouragement at the same time and always give practical steps to move forward too! I always love your sessions and after the healing, I felt so much calmer, centred and I can still feel a healing sensation running through my body and trust what I needed today has happened just the way it was supposed to.

I have experienced so much with you over time from psychic mediumship readings, spiritual insights to intuitive energy healing and abundance coaching. You always give your very best and the healing always activates me, feeling the physical sensations of it working on all levels. I love it!

Check Sharan out - she’s got a wealth of tools in her arsenal, she’ll tell you the TRUTH straight up and has deep psychic and intuitive energy healing abilities, exactly like a Spiritual Detective she uncovers the unknown and brings it all to the surface to work through and heal. You really feel supported and confident in her presence - she knows what she is doing.

Thanks Sharan for being who you are and always telling the truth in the kindest way possible but never holding back on what you really think. It might not always be what I want to hear but I know deep down it’s what I need to hear for my highest good and for my long term best. You are a superstar and I am genuinely grateful for your presence in my life. 🙏❤️I highly recommend booking to work with Sharan.”

“I felt instantly drawn to Sharan, her energy and knowing we had similar corporate backgrounds , I knew she was the coach for me! Sharan is an incredibly intuitive and intelligent Coach and I completely trust her and her guidance.

She literally vibrates at the client’s frequency to understand and deliver the best results. I was really surprised how powerful some of our energetic healing sessions were. I also noticed some amazing things happening in my life straight after healing and removing blocks from my heart chakra, opening it for limitless receiving and financial abundance. I noticed the money flowing in and clients signing up with me,

My overall presence and mindfulness increased, feeling more peaceful, composed and focused on my main priorities now. I have continuously signed up to work with Sharan for over two years now through her Abundance Coaching 121 Package because now more than ever I am convinced that as Sharan puts it “Anything is Possible!” for me.

I would highly recommend working with Sharan. It's just like that gift that keeps on giving and although challenging, I look forward to giving myself the time each week dedicated to our sessions as I know all areas of my life are improving. Don't sit on the fence, work with Sharan, I've seen the result!”

I would highly recommend working with Sharan. It's just like that gift that keeps on giving and although challenging, I look forward to giving myself the time each week dedicated to our sessions as I know all areas of my life are improving. Don't sit on the fence, work with Sharan, I've seen the result!”

-Jola Pypno-Crapanzano

Certified High Performance Coach™️

New Jersey USA

“Sharan uncovered subconscious beliefs that I didn’t even know were there, some going back to being in the womb, totally mind-blowing & I’m speechless!”

-Leanne Kelly

Branding designer

@ Jakenna creative design

South Yorkshire, UK

“I was drawn to Sharan’s energy and knew she was the person to help me to heal…and I’ve been left speechless after each session! I was struggling to show up in my business and wanted to try and understand why I was holding myself back. Sharan immediately got to work like a spiritual detective, uncovering subconscious beliefs that I didn’t even know were there, some going back to me being in the womb. This was mind-blowing and something I didn't even know was possible…So believe Sharan when she says “Anything is Possible” …It really is!

I love Sharan's energy and how she can tailor each session to make it relevant to anything that shows up in the previous session, or if anything shows itself between sessions and needs attention. She helped me clear deep childhood and even past life and ancestral trauma and stress that I can only describe as manifesting itself as a physical pain in my body. Within minutes of a session ending, I realised that the pain I had for so long had now completely vanished!

My life has changed dramatically having worked with Sharan. We released and healed beliefs that have been holding me back for years such as feeling not good enough, not worthy and even having the imposter syndrome! I feel so much lighter, less pressure and not holding myself back anymore.

I had an amazing experience during the Intuitive Energy Healing Programme. I even visualised things during our healing sessions that actually showed up in my life within a few days…Sharan really knows how to help you to Manifest!! I’ve simply been left speechless after each session. You won't regret working with Sharan, she is highly intuitive and an expert in what she does. It's truly mind-blowing and you will positively transform your life!”

Click Play!

Di Challenor, Australia

Healed unblocked fears and past life karma, gaining more clarity, more accurate intuitive, attracting new opportunities, upleveled and became A NEW PERSON!

Jola Pypno-Crapanzano, USA

Gained the Courage to Grow her Coaching Business alongside her Corporate Job & is now serving hundreds of clients, & MANIFESTING HUGE levels of ABUNDANCE!

Jackie Mallon

Got outside her comfort zone, took action to change the trajectory of her whole life!

Just Imagine...

What if these results are yours?

Hear what more clients have to say...

Jackie Mallon

~ Ireland, UK

100% totally recommend Sharan's Masterminds and Group Programmes. She is one of the most inspiring and motivating people I know, and her energy is awesome. Her work ethic and support system are outstanding to which she devotes time daily. For me personally, working with Sharan has been and still is an amazing journey. Sharan really believes in you, is so supportive and wants the best for you. I want to thank her personally as I have changed so much since I started working with her and in her own words, “Anything is Possible” because it really is!

Melanie Matern-Riihela

~ Finland

“I feel so blessed that Sharan’s and my path crossed. Since working with her, my life has changed so much in a positive way. Awesome tools, great techniques, and practical exercises. Sharan is authentic and such a light, which makes working with her very comfortable. Whilst working with Sharan, I learnt how to put my dreams into goals and how to achieve those goals… Anything is Possible!!!

I always had problems with timing and to do all what I desire to do. With Sharan’s techniques, I feel now so blessed about my time management and how much I can actually achieve. I learnt so much about self-worth, self-confidence, and self-love. The 1:1 sessions with Sharan were also awesome and brought me so much further. The value of working with her is priceless! Thank you, Sharan!”

Natasha K

~ Mumbai, India

“One of the best Theta Healers and people I’ve come across. Sharan is someone who is so comfortable and amiable in her approach. Her sense of intuition is quite on point. It feels safe to talk and share with her, and her ability to pick up on things on the unconscious level is so uncanny.I enjoyed every moment of my experience with her, especially when she would download all the divine wonderful messages into my subconscious. Truly magical!”

Angela Bullock

~ Sydney, Australia

I recently was privileged to have a soul session with the beautiful Sharan. The experience was magical. Using various modalities including Theta healing and Angelic realm guidance I felt so deeply seen in both my light and deeply held as I released old feelings, burdens and trauma that I had collected over the years of growing up. The end feeling was that of being set free to now rise up and make the impact I know I was here to make. Sharan Sammi held such an amazing space for this to be done and I am so grateful to now feel empowered as ready to take my next quantum leap. Ps. First morning in a long time I haven’t had a day-long headache. Thanks Sharan ♥️

Di Challenor

~ Melbourne, Australia

What astounded me with Sharan was she instantly picked up historical, ancestral patterns/beliefs that sounded accurate & true! I’m also a ThetaHealer so knowing the drill, I instantly booked. I love these sessions because they are quick, instant, lasting & clear stuff from the past & present, making way for a fabulous future!

For months my “normal” has been stress, overwhelm, uptight & anxious. The 1st session was very deep, accessing previous lifetimes & centuries through hypnosis, including 1437. Sharan hit the bullseye as she unpacked layer by layer all the protection I had unknowingly put around my heart space, no wonder I haven’t attracted my most compatible soul mate! We cleared trauma with a lover from another time, that was holding me back from calling in the person who is waiting for me!

After the session, I felt physically lighter in my heart, no more anxiety, tension, overwhelm or stress. I’ve been feeling very focussed, balanced, lighter, relaxed, switched on, my psychic abilities have gone up a notch or 3, no more emotional eating, no more interest in having comforting carbs or chips...

After more Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions, more old family/historical stuff was cleared & I noticed things happen quickly. I’m attracting new investment opportunities, new clients & an increase in confidence & well as positive new habits forming. Thank you Sharan Sammi for everything! With Gratitude...

Gemma Sizer

~ Startford, UK

Sharan! This MANIFESTING seems to be working already!! I did the 'Manifesting My Way Workshop’ yesterday and asked the universe for help and I've already been shown something, in possible money form of what I was asking. I'm actually very shocked! I'm obviously vibing at a higher frequency. I'm so pleased!

I've never really thought about how I ask for help and manifesting is completely new to me. But with your advice Sharan and the hacks you said to try, I have definitely noticed a difference in my positivity today, even from waking up this morning I felt good, and positive things happened from the start. I have achieved so many things today and I am taking steps towards starting my Business later this year.

It really looks like it could become reality, when before I was doubting myself and didn't feel I'd ever get to this point. I was also tired from broken sleep but still noticed a big change in only 24 hours. Even drinking coffee usually gives me anxiety, today it just gave me a lovely buzz and lots of energy. I'm starting to really believe in myself again so thank you and I highly recommend working with Sharan, she’s amazing!

More success stories!

I started my sessions with Sharan a few weeks ago and I’ve never felt any better. Before signing up, I talked to Sharan about the things on my mind, generally how I was feeling, feeling heavy in my body & mind as well as experiencing high levels of anxiety which wasn’t great at all. During the sessions, Sharan helped me tap into my subconscious & address any issues & negative feelings I had been holding on to as well as coaching me through this all.

Part way through, I really felt as if a huge weight had been lifted and felt as if I had transformed by moving away from the negativity, to love and light. Having worked with Sharan, I feel I now have more clarity and focus and to some extent purpose in my life. With the help of Sharan I’m now focusing on myself, my various roles, my own personal development and my family. With the coaching guidance, I also feel I have the right tools & techniques to accomplish anything I set my mind to. I highly recommend the service Sharan provides to anyone.

-Danni Dhillon

Intuitive Energy Healing Client, West Midlands, UK

I was slightly sceptical before the healing and intuitive session with Sharan but by the end I was positively pleased and surprised. I felt very happy that I did it and some of the things which resulted from the session, I have no doubt could only have come from a higher power. I felt much calmer and more at ease and I would highly recommend giving it a go regardless of scepticism or doubt!

- Kain Khokhani

Intuitive Energy Healing Client, Harrow UK

I am absolutely amazed by my birth reading with Sharan Sammi - Manifesting Abundance Mentor she was amazing and woke me up to my soul's purpose in this lifetime she also covered past life and karma and how to heal and helped me gather clarity in order to my goals and my life destiny and my future was so amazing.

- Manjit Kaur

Astrology Client, London UK

I was going through a very rough time in 2020 & 2021. I had lost all my confidence and felt worthless, then I came across Sharan and her work. At the time I thought it was expensive, more than I could afford really. But over the year I kept seeing Sharan on Facebook and heard her story. I decided I really needed her support as I had work issues and felt very low. I started the sessions and felt better quite quickly! Once we got started, I felt lighter,my shoulders were looser! I felt more confident and saw things clearly in my mind. From the work we did, I even then took action & applied for a new job position which I would not have prior to seeing Sharan as I had lost my confidence. I managed to pass the interview and started my new role - with a pay increase! I am so pleased. I recommend you work with Sharan, she has a wonderful soothing voice which is so relaxing, putting you at ease as she works with you.

-S Patel

Intuitive Energy Healing Client, London UK

"Sharan helped me when I was at my lowest point. The Suit Your Soul Session was fantastic. We discussed future goals and the first steps to love myself as well as how to improve my self confidence. I have started doing the exercises which Sharan recommended and I truly believe these will help me move on with my life.

I am really excited about my future now and how these exercises will help improve my self and my future. Sharan is professional, down to earth and has truly helped me. I would highly recommend this Suit Your Soul Session with Sharan."

-Yogeeta Patel

Suit your Soul Client, UK

It is my MISSION to...

EMPOWER YOU to reach your True Greatness where

Anything is possible!

Between my 20 years of Corporate Banking and over 18 years of Personal Development, client coaching and healing experience, I EMPOWER you to unlock your full financial potential by energetically activating your true self worth and inner confidence so that you can start building an abundant legacy and the time freedom to manifest a successful and fulfilling life by design.

Your next chapter starts TODAY. Are you ready to SKYROCKET all areas of your life and MANIFEST ABUNDANCE?

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